Shaping The Future Of Automotives
Industry Leading Aluminium Manufacturer
A Journey that Created a Story
Rockman Industries was established in the year 1960 as a bicycle component manufacturer. Today, the company is an industry leader for Aluminium die casting, machined and painted assemblies supplier. Rockman Industries supply these components to renowned motorcycle manufacturers and automobile OEMs across the world.
The organization is an industry leader in two-wheeler and four-wheeler alloy wheels. Apart from wheels, the organization also manufactures cylinder head, cylinder block, crank case, crank case covers, oil pan, transmission housing and other mechanical components.
Since 2017, Rockman has been providing high end Carbon Composites components to the industry through it’s acquisition of a BritishIndian enterprise, Rockman Advanced Composites Pvt. Ltd., earlier Moldex Composites.
Mision & Values
Set highest standards in business practices and be partners in growth of customers by delivering engineering products, services and solutions in innovative and cost effective ways.


- An acclaimed leader and an internationally trained expert in business and production management
- Instrumental in transforming Rockman industries Ltd. into a leading player in the die casting industry
- Chairman of group's venture into Electronics- ``Hero Electronix Pvt Ltd``
- On the board of Hero Moto Corp, Hero Corporate Service, Hero Steels Limited, Hero Future Energies and BML Educorp
- Actively involved in philanthropic and CSR activities

- Lead Rockman's exponential revenue growth from USD 15 Million to USD 350 Million in the last 15 years
- Founder Director of Hero Electronix Pvt Ltd
- Leads Hero Electronix business and has been instrumental in scaling it up in short span of time
- He bagged the prestigious ``BW 40 under 40`` award from Business World
- Started his career with KPMG Consulting and Hero MotoCorp
- Graduated in International Management from Pepperdine University, California